Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Liebster Award Nomination

So this is the second Liebster Award nomination I have received, however the first one I didn't know what I was doing or how it worked so this time around I did a little research. Liebster is a German word for beloved, dearest, sweetheart, kindest, nicest, valued, pleasant, welcome and many more beautiful words. It is given to new up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers to help spread new blogs in the blogger world. I would imagine that's were the meaning of the word welcome comes in to play. Personally I think its a great way to welcome new bloggers like myself and let you get to know me a little bit better. Now for the rules to this Award:
  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
  2. Link back the blogger who awarded you 
  3. Answer the questions the tagger has asked 
  4. Create a new list of questions for your own nominees
  5. Nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 followers to receive the award
  6. Inform them of their nomination by leaving the a comment on there blog
So I would like to give a big thank you to Kelly for the nomination and here is a link to her blog: you should definitely check her out! So the questions she tagged me are:

  1. Films or series -  I love a good suspenseful or romantic film 
  2. Take-away or eating out - Me and my hubby love take out on the couch cuddling in front of a movie but its nice to go out sometime.
  3. Heels or flats - Flats are good but there nothing sexier than some heels
  4. Cold or hot holidays- Cold holidays remind me of home growing up in NY but now I'm in sunny FL and miss the cold holidays
  5. Facebook or twitter - If I had to choose right know I would have to say twitter only because Fb has become nothing but a video site or just everyone personal diary
  6. Tea or coffee - A couple of months ago I would have said coffee but right now in my life I'm trying to get healthier and I'm loving me some green tea it taste good and its good for you 
  7. Sweet of savory - Omg savory I love anything salty and rarely if ever get sweet cravings 
  8. Lipgloss or lipstick - I'm a lipstick girl all the way.... I feel lipgloss fades away to fast and lipstick lasts a little longer
  9. Bath or shower - If I had a hot tube or a bigger bath tube I would definitely say a bubble bath and a book is so me 
  10. Book or magazine - There is nothing like a good book to take you away to another place 
  11. Dog or cat- Being that I have a dog that's like a son to me I would say dog!!!!

Now for my 11 questions but I'm going to borrow some of kellys questions cause I liked them

  1. Lipgloss or lipstick
  2. Heels or flats 
  3. Pants or dresses
  4. Biggest accomplishment in life 
  5. Bad boy or good boy 
  6. Reason why you started blogging
  7. Best thing you did for someone else
  8. All time favorite makeup brand
  9. Who is your role model in life and why
  10. What's your guilty pleasure
  11. All time favorite food

Christie leigh
Believe it Beauty
Emily ryan
Beautifully disastrous


  1. Congratulations on winning this award!
    I'm a huge tea fan too!

    1. Thank you. . I love the name of your blog;-) what flavor tea do you like?

  2. Thanks so much for nominating me! x

  3. Thank you for nominating me ^_^ just published my post! X

  4. Hello. I just wanted to know that I nominated you for Very Inspiring Blogger Award! You can check it out here: .

  5. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
