So if you ever had hormonal or cystic acne you know the horror I felt every time I looked in the mirror and seen this. All my life I've had acne, my mom sister and a lot of my mom side of the family has had it so I believed it was genetic. I've tried everything you could think of from the drug store and even got a prescription for pills from my Dr. but all a waist of money, time and loss of hope. So about a year ago I finally found my cure and I've been acne free for more than a year now and I could kick myself for not doing this sooner. Now I broke it down to three easy steps.....
Dairy: Dairy is my enemy; the farmers fill up these animals as there being raised to produce bigger and more food for us. Cows are milked while pregnant which also contains hormones therefor causing hormone imbalances among other thing in our body which eventualy comes out on our faces . What can also happen is some people have dairy sensitivity or are allergic to dairy and causes you to have acne. About a year ago I went on a special k diet which I had to eat a bowl of cereal twice a day and when I say my face went haywire I'm not even joking, it was the worst breakout I had ever experienced in my life. My checks and chin area were completely covered in cystic acne that were extremely painful. From there on I cut out dairy from my diet and haven't regretted it since and I could finally say I am acne free.
Gentle products: In my experience using harsh chemicals like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid just made my face dry, irritated and worst. I ended up switching my face wash to Cetaphil because I was extremely gentle and non-irritant to my face. It also removed my makeup and help control my oily skin but not drying it out. I have been using Cetaphil for about 5yrs now and i love it!!!! Definitely one of my must have skin care products.
Moisturizer: This step is really important and many people with acne and oily skin end up skipping this because they think it will make your face more oily or the acne worst. Its actually the opposite, the dryer you try to keep your face the more you pores will produce oily to keep your skin hydrated. Moisturizing helps keep your face hydrated and in time will become less oily ( in my case it did ). The best moisturizers you can use is ones that contain retinol it will dry your skin at first until your skin adapts to it and then your skin should become normal again. If you don't use one with retinol try to use one that's for sensitive skin with no fragrance or other harsh chemicals.
well I hope this helped someone because I know how it feels to have horrible acne and feel like there is no hope for a clear face but I'm living proof that their is!!! And don't forget to drink plenty of water!!!
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